Chilika is a boutique firm engaged in systematic trading and research in financial markets. Its mission is to generated significant long term non-correlated compound returns for its stockholders. (Its performance figures speak for itself)
Chilika’s systematic trading entails holding long and short positions in all available financial markets. Currently its main focus area is India market. It trades all liquid markets of Stocks, Currencies and Commodities available in India. We use trend following algorithms to trade both long-term and short-term using multiple time frames. Our strategy is well diversified across all markets and doesn’t rely on general appreciation of asset value to make money. In fact we have generated some of our best returns during market wide panic like it happened in 2008. Conservatively speaking, on an average we have made in excess of 40% return per annum after all fees and taxes.
For further details on our approach and what we generally do, check our presentation available in the Download section.
Disclaimer: The above literature is a not a solicitation for investment. It is only for your information purpose.