
Monthly Returns for 2010

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Year Month Chilika Monthly
Return(%) *
Sensex Monthly
S & P Monthly
2010 January 18.95 -6.34 -3.70
2010 February 0.29 0.44 2.85
2010 March 4.01 6.69 5.88
2010 April 5.79 0.18 1.48
2010 May -0.65 -3.50 -8.20
2010 June -6.58 4.46 -5.39
2010 July 2.15 0.94 6.88
2010 August -2.21 0.58 -4.74
2010 September 0.20 11.67 8.76
2010 October 4.83 -0.18 3.69
2010 November 0.83 -2.55 -0.23
2010 December 0.25 5.06 6.53

* All Return figures in Chilika are take home return for investors (they are after all taxes and fees)